I find my STRENGTH
in GOD to remain steadfast on His TRUTH and the faith I have in Him. I am
not ashamed of God or His Word, but BOLD and CONFIDENT
in it. I will be prepared at all times to share my faith out of LOVE. I will do this by developing my TESTIMONY, being in PRAYER, and allowing God’s Word to CONSUME my life and thoughts so I may walk
in Him daily. I will NEVER let ANYTHING draw me away from the TRUTH and LOVE
I have found in Christ Jesus.
Because of my FAITH I have been JUSTIFIED and have PEACE with GOD THROUGH CHRIST. By FAITH I have access into this GRACE in which I NOW STAND and REJOICE the HOPE of God’s GLORY.
in TRIBULATIONS because I know THEY
character brings PERSEVERANCE, and perseverance, HOPE. This hope does not disappoint because the LOVE of GOD
has been poured into my heart.
weak because GOD is ALWAYS WITH ME.
He is MIGHTY TO SAVE. He takes great DELIGHT
It is GOOD for me to be near GOD;
I have made the Lord GOD my REFUGE,
that I may TELL of all His WORKS.
I am an EPISTLE of Christ written by the Holy Spirit. My work lays GOLD on Christ's foundation. My SUFFICIENCY is from GOD. I receive every GOOD and PERFECT thing from my eternal Father. I live by FAITH and not by sight. I am being TRANSFORMED from GLORY to GLORY.
I am the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. I PLEAD the BLOOD OF JESUS over my MIND, WILL, and EMOTIONS. I live FREE from depression and anxiety in Jesus's name. I DISCIPLINE my body to live according to the GOSPEL.
I am FREE from all sin, shame, and illness.
I walk with GOD in new life, and my old self was CRUCIFIED with Christ. I am JUSTIFIED by grace and REDEEMED in Christ Jesus. I have the RESURRECTION power of Christ. The POWER that raised Him to life raised me to life also, and that POWER is in me. I am in GOD's family; I belong to Him. Nothing I do can every separate me from GOD.
I have made the Lord GOD my REFUGE,
that I may TELL of all His WORKS.
I am an EPISTLE of Christ written by the Holy Spirit. My work lays GOLD on Christ's foundation. My SUFFICIENCY is from GOD. I receive every GOOD and PERFECT thing from my eternal Father. I live by FAITH and not by sight. I am being TRANSFORMED from GLORY to GLORY.
I am the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. I PLEAD the BLOOD OF JESUS over my MIND, WILL, and EMOTIONS. I live FREE from depression and anxiety in Jesus's name. I DISCIPLINE my body to live according to the GOSPEL.
I walk with GOD in new life, and my old self was CRUCIFIED with Christ. I am JUSTIFIED by grace and REDEEMED in Christ Jesus. I have the RESURRECTION power of Christ. The POWER that raised Him to life raised me to life also, and that POWER is in me. I am in GOD's family; I belong to Him. Nothing I do can every separate me from GOD.
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