Friday, September 7, 2012

The Restart Button

In the first two days of the semester, I have experienced God in ways that I had almost forgotten were possible; made new friends and rekindled relationships that had started to drift apart last year; and have gained a new perspective on what exactly it means to be me and do what I was made to do. I was actually somewhat surprised that so much good could come from such a short amount of time, but it wasn't without the bad. I guess that's just one more thing to put on the checklist of things well-learned in the past year. I've started to recognize the true value that exists in doing and being exactly what God has designed me to do and be; and it's a rather incredible experience that I am just having the opportunity to embark on.

I figured out over the summer that I have only 2 more semesters after this one before I graduate from the college that I have come to love so much; but it didn't really hit me until this afternoon when I was finishing my first section of the riding class I will be taking this semester what a privilege it is that I get to be in a place that is designed to be a safe place for self-discovery, personal development, and new experiences. I mean, seriously, how many students say that they can go ride a horse for 5 hours a week for school credit?! But that wasn't the big deal. The big deal came as I was walking across campus and was stopped by several people and told how much they missed me over the summer, or what they're looking forward to us doing this year, or encouraging me that I am handling things in a very responsible and mature manner for the situations I am facing. I realized that in this place I have not only had the chance to find myself and understand my calling, but I've been able to surround myself with people who will challenge and encourage me in my faith, my schoolwork, and in all other aspects of my life, and that those relationships were made to last.

With graduation so close (and yet so far) it almost puts me in a place of wishing I had recognized the right way to go about things sooner, had a chance to know these people longer, and taken charge of challenges instead of letting them get me down; but a conversation I had with someone who is becoming an incredible friend and encouragement to me brought everything into perspective: there's no way to learn the right way without making a few mistakes along the way. Those very mistakes are what build our character and give us the strength and stamina to face the next, larger obstacle that's waiting around the corner. So rather than trying to avoid conflict or challenges, or allowing them to defeat me and distract me from the progress I've made, I've chosen to hit restart, take everything I've learned, and apply it to every challenge that presents itself, knowing that God can use every challenge to produce patience, character, and a true testimony to his faithfulness. The best part is, I am more full of joy in this moment than I've truly been in a long time, and the only One who can take credit for that is my Savior Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Tears of joy while I read this. I am so happy you are happy and I am so excited that you have decided to hit reset and restart. God has wonderful plans for your life and I am honored and blessed to be able to walk alongside you as you experience each and everyone of them. I also think it is way cool that you decided to take the riding will have so much fun!
    Love you more than the stars to infinity and back! MOM
